If not grown as a multitrunked shrub, it can be pruned to one trunk as a small tree, growing between 15-30 feet tall.Ĭhalk maple, Acer leucoderme, can be difficult to find. It develops an interesting three-valved seedpod. Mexican buckeye, Ungnadia speciosa, has pink blooms that are close to the trunk, resembling the redbud. Other trees to consider: white oak, red oak, Mexican sycamore, chinquapin oak, eastern cottonwood, American beech, tulip poplar Small to medium trees It is tolerant of acidic and mildly alkaline soils. Male flowers on catkins are 5-7 inches long in the spring. The deciduous, glossy foliage is red in the fall. Shumard oak, Quercus shumardii, grows up to 80 feet in height or more. Small, red, spring flowers are not as showy as the red fall foliage that can vary depending on environmental conditions. Drummondii, grows between 30 and 50 feet in height. Large treesĭrummond red maple, Acer rubrum var. Whether you are looking for a small tree to accent the back patio with fragrant flowers or a large behemoth to help cut air conditioning costs, there is a tree right for your situation.

To establish new trees, you want to plant in late fall or winter and ensure you are planting the right tree for the space. Texas Arbor Day is situated in the fall, when digits are lower, drought is reduced and roots on newly planted trees flourish. National Arbor Day is celebrated in April each year, but that's the ideal planting time for northern regions of the U.S. Kirk Sides/Staff Photographer Show More Show Less Signs provide instructions as volunteers plant native tree species including oak, maple, pine and cedar along the walking trail at the John Hargrove Environmental Complex Saturday, during Keep Pearland Beautiful Plant a Tree Day. Thomas Nguyen/For the Chronicle Show More Show Less 5 of7 Exposed roots can lead to problems with trees Laura McKenzie/Texas A&M Agrilife Show More Show Less 6 of7 Exposed roots can lead to problems with trees Laura McKenzie/Texas A&M Agrilife Show More Show Less 7 of7 Melissa Phillip/Staff photographer Show More Show Less 4 of7 Katy residents Kathleen Heslep and daughter Grace, 6, inspect Republic of Texas orange trees during Texas AgriLife Extension Service fruit tree sale at Bear Creek Park on 1/10/09. Mexican plum Tracy Hobson Lehmann, Staff / San Antonio Express-News Show More Show Less 3 of7ĪgriLife,experts recommend planting small trees. It is also known as Scarlet Maple, Carolina Red Maple, Drummond Red Maple, Soft Maple, Swamp Maple and Water Maple.The flowering Mexican plum is a good choice for Houston. Mature height is often shorter in the south, but can reach as high as 90 feet in the north. The red maple is native to North America, generally found in the eastern half of the country from north to south, but grow well when planted from coast to coast.

The seeds attract birds and squirrels, but do not make a significant mess. Young red maples are a desirable food source for deer. Due to roots systems that quickly adapt, they are easy to transplant. The wood is weak, and can be susceptible to breakage. Prune by thinning, which often stimulates growth better than fertilization. In good conditions the Red Maple grows with good form, but if the site is poor it may grow with poor form and be defective. Red Maple is prized for brilliant early fall color, which can be yellow, orange or red. Young branches are usually reddish, and green to reddish in fall. They are green on top and whitened on the underside. They are more simple, generally with three lobes but the shape is quite triangular. The leaf of the Red Maple is a bit different than most maples.